Robotstøvsugerens producent

Lilin International Group Limited, som har sine datterselskab fabrikker placeret i Shenzhen, og Xiamen, er en storstilet professionel producent med et uafhængig R&D-center, har specialiseret sig i udvikling og produktion af robotstøvsugere.Med en kraftfuld teknisk gruppe ... mere

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Produktnavn: Robotstøvsuger

Vare nr.: LL-D6601

Farve: sort, sølv, guld



1. Dag o gnat genkendelse

Robotten vil gå i forskellige rengøringstilstande med denne funktion. Om natten vil robotten bruge mute rengøringstilstanden automatisk, for ikke at forstyrre din hvile eller arbejde.

2. Forskellige rengøringstilstande:

Forskellige rengøringatilstande kan opfylde brugernes forskellige krav til rengøring. For eksempel automatisk rengøringstilstand: stort område rengøring. Kant rengøring: rengør langs kanten af ​​vægge og møbler. Mute rengøring: robotten vil gøre rent på et lavere støjniveau og vil ikke forstyrre din hvile eller arbejde.

3. Anti-fald og antikollisions funktion

Sensorerne betyder at robotten ikke vil falde ned af trappen og ramme møbler eller vægge.

4. Anti-filter funktion

Børstebeslaget kan forhindre at robotten sidder fast i elektriske ledninger eller gulvtæppekvaster / frynser.

5. Display med fejlkoder

Robotten kan identificere unormale situationer automatisk, såsom lavt niveau af strøm og næsten fuld støvbeholder, ventilator, centerbørster, hvis hjulet ikke virker ordentligt, så standser arbejdet og de tilsvarende fejlkoder vil blive vist på LED-displayet.

6. Planlagt rengøring funktion

Rengøringstiden kan planlægges ifølge dine behov.

7. Dobbeltsidet sidebørste funktion

Robotten kan bruge dobbelte sidebørster, Robottens bredde kan udvides til op til 400 mm 

8. Forbedret UV-steriliseringsfunktion

Med længere UV-tube der dræber bakterier mere effektivt.

9. Virtuel væg

Virtuel væg udsender specielle IR-signaler der danner et blokeret område, der fungerer som en "væg", der forhindrer robotten i at rengøre et unøcvendigt område.

10. Bluetooth 2,4 GHz fjernbetjening

Du behøver ikke at pege fjernbetjeningen i robottens retning, for at operere den. Den kommer også med knapper der er nemme at bruge.




LL-D6601 robot vacuum cleaner is with independent Intellectual Property Right and has obtained 12 items of patents, maximized avoiding EU patent infringement which were applied by iRobot.


LL-D6601 robot vacuum cleaner not only has the same functions as other robot vacuum cleaners on the market, like auto cleaning, scheduled cleaning, automatic charging, anti-fall, anti-collide, etc, but also has the following features:


1. Day and Night Recognition

The cleaner can enter into different cleaning modes by this function. For example, at night, the cleaner will enter into mute cleaning mode automatically and will not disturb your rest or work.


2. Various Cleaning modes

The cleaner not only has auto cleaning, spot cleaning, scheduled cleaning modes, but only has independent mute cleaning, edge cleaning and zigzag cleaning modes.


3. Ultra Lowest Noise

Only 48dB at 1 meter.


4. With 2200mAh Lithium Ion Battery


No memory effect, its cycle lifespan is very long (At least 800 times for charging and discharging cycle).


5. Ultra Long Working Time

The cleaner can work for 2 hours after one charging.


6. Easy-dismantled Wheels

The right/left wheel is easily dismantled to clean or replaced without any oil spill.


7. Sensitive Touch Screen


Can control the cleaner more conveniently and comfortably.


8. Error Code Display

   The cleaner can identify the abnormal situations automatically, then it will stop working                          

   and show the corresponding error codes on LED screen.


9. Double Center Brushes

The center brushes consist of one main brush and one dusting brush. Main brush is for picking up the big debris, dusting brush is for cleaning up the fine dust.


10. Double Side Brushes

The cleaning width can reach 400mm.


11. Powerful UV Sterilization Device

Longer UV lamp tube, can kill the bacteria on floor more efficiently.


12. Pop-up Dustin Bin Release Button and Open-type Bin Design

Can take out the bin more easily and can dump the rubbish more conveniently.


13. Ultra Biggest Bin Capacity: About 0.8L


14. With HEPA Filter

Can avoid secondary pollution more efficiently.


15. Anti-tangle Function

With brush bracket(brush guard):                                     

The brush guard can prevent the center brushes from getting stuck on electric wires or carpet tassels/fringes on floor.


16. With Aluminum Fan Blades

The material of fan blades is made of aluminum, is the same as traditional vacuum cleaners, can produce more powerful suction.


17. Easy-dismantled Fan Module



The fan module can be dismantled and you can wash the bin.


18. Non Marring Bumper

With soft rubber bumper, it will not damage the furniture during cleaning

19. Humanized Design of Charging Base



 You can put the spare electric wires of adapter along the back slot of charging base.


20. With Virtual Wall                         

Virtual wall can launch some special IR signals to form a blocked area, just like a ?wall?, can prevent the cleaner from cleaning unnecessary area or disturbing your work.


21. Bluetooth 2.4GHz Remote Controller with Rocker Buttons

You don?t have to point the remoter controller at the cleaner to operate. Combined with rocker buttons, the remote controller can be used more comfortably.




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